Friday, 10 June 2016

Ahh Civil Engineering!

I hear some of my friends were interested in civil engineering since they were children. They grew up playing with  building legos or breaking things. Meanwhile, I grew up playing with barbie, watching sports, and so on. I was nowhere close to playing with legos, I didn't really like to play with them. But I  always wondered why and how some buildings have survived numerous disasters. Growing up in Nepal, I was fascinated by the historical monuments, always curious about how did they build it that long ago without any modern equipment. And why are they still here when some new buildings are failing. I did not choose to pursue civil engineering from the beginning. I was more fascinated by the details, the craftsmanship, and work behind the pretty buildings. So I decided to study architecture, and came across the ‘designing bit’ of architecture. I found myself looking at artworks of Picasso and Matisse and thinking what am I doing! Then during world architecture class, the professor explained the structural importance behind the architecture details. Suddenly I realized; I am not just interested in the pretty side of the building but also the structural side of it! Then I left architecture (even though spending hours drawing/cutting was fun!) and became friends with civil engineering!

One of the projects from my architecture days

Civil engineering has been fun so far! No need for all nighters or spending hours in the studio. I am learning about concrete and forces and moment diagrams and so on….I have been able to build a concrete canoe with my teammates and yes concrete does float! We even raced it with other schools. Being involved with ASCE has helped to make this journey a cool one! Now, I am graduating soon and indulging into the wonderful world of structural engineering. One thing I have been told is that girls are behind in engineering, I see plenty of future engineers around me so it is kind of hard to believe that. So, as I graduate from college, I want to encourage young ladies who are shy to be involved in this field to join this as it seems like a col profession to be in! Also continue to be involved in various organizations, as it helps me stay updated with the new things going on in CE as well as provides me an opportunity to give back to the community. I am also looking forward to the research aspect of this field. Especially the part where I get to learn about the past technics and utilize it to improve the future! Also, it would be awesome to drive or live or utilize infrastructures designed by my friends or myself. Not many professions lets you boast about those things!

UT Arlington's Concrete Canoe 2016
For now CE and I are friends, lets see what the future holds! One step at a time

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